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You can obtain Dune-Ash in several ways: as a live cd, as prebuilt Ubuntu packages, or in source code form.


Dune-Ash is free, open-source software licensed as follows:

   The Dune-Ash source code is licensed under the GNU General Public License (GPL) version 2.0 (or any later version).
Creative Commons License  The data package Dune-Ash-Data is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License.

Notice that by downloading the Dune-Ash software you accept the licensing terms of Dune-Ash.

Using the Live-CD

This is the easiest way to obtain Dune-Ash. Simply download the Live-cd image. Either burn it onto a CD/DVD and boot your PC from it, or boot into a PC emulator like VirtualBox directly from the live-CD image.

Installing Prebuilt Ubuntu Packages

If you have a PC running Ubuntu Linux (tested for Ubuntu 14.04), you can download and install Dune-Ash through the following terminal commands:

sudo add-apt-repository universe
sudo add-apt-repository "deb debian/"
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get --force-yes -y install dune-ash

Installation from Source Code

To obtain the source code of Dune-Ash, download the tarballs for dune-ash and dune-ash-data.

Dune-Ash needs at least the DUNE core modules Dune-Common, Dune-Geometry, Dune-grid at version 2.2 (or later), Dune-SPGrid at version 2012.12, and Dune-Fem at version 1.3.1.

After downloading the appropriate tarballs, please follow the standard DUNE installation notes. Dune-Ash will be configured and installed together with the core modules, Dune-SPGrid, and Dune-Fem.

Latest Development Version

The latest development version of Dune-Ash can be obtained from the git repositories hosted on the DUNE user wiki. You can clone this repository by the following commands:

git clone
git clone

This version is compatible with the current development versions of the DUNE core modules, Dune-SPGrid, and Dune-Fem.

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