Sie sind hier: Startseite Dune-SPGrid Features


Feature Comparison for the Dune 2.4 Release Series

The following table shows a comparison of selected features between SGrid (deprecated), YaspGrid, and SPGrid:

  SGrid YaspGrid SPGrid
Provides entities for codimensions all 0, dim all
Can communicate on codimensions none 0, dim all
supports superentity iterators for codimensions none none all
Supported domains ∏ [ai,bi] ∏ [ai,bi]2 ∏ [ai,bi]
Supports periodic boundary conditions1 no no3 yes
Supports anisotropic refinement no no yes
Coordinate type is a template parameter yes yes yes

Feature Comparison for the Dune 2.3 Release Series

The following table shows a comparison of selected features between SGrid, YaspGrid, and SPGrid:

  SGrid YaspGrid SPGrid
Provides entities for codimensions all 0, dim all
Can communicate on codimensions none 0, dim all
supports superentity iterators for codimensions none none all
Supported domains ∏ [ai,bi] ∏ [0,bi] ∏ [ai,bi]
Supports periodic boundary conditions1 no no2 yes
Supports anisotropic refinement no no yes
Coordinate type is a template parameter yes no yes

1 in the sense of Appendix B of M. Nolte: Efficient Numerical Approximation of the Effective Hamiltonian, University of Freiburg, 2011
3 Since the 2.4 release, YaspGrid supports arbitrary tensor product grids.
3 YaspGrid supports periodic domains through a parallel approach

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